Latest update: 30 December 2024

Winter School in Theoretical Chemistry 2024

Solvation and Embedding

This is the 38th Winter School

Essay titles are available below

Helsinki, Mon 9 December - Thu 12 December 2024

[Picture stripe]


Porthania building, City Center Campus, University of Helsinki

Address: Yliopistonkatu 3

The lectures will be held in lecture hall PIII. The nearest metro station is Helsingin yliopisto (University of Helsinki), which is next door to Porthania.


The School is organised by the Department of Chemistry, University of Helsinki, Finland.

The organising committee consists of


Outi Haapanen, University of Helsinki, Finland

Christoph Jacob, Braunschweig Technical University, Germany

Katarzyna Pernal, Lodz University of Technology, Poland

Umberto Raucci, Italian Institute of Technology, Genova

Ulf Ryde, Lund University, Sweden

Marek Sierka, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany

Tomasz Wesolowski, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Contributed Talks

In addition to the lectures, two 15-minute contributed talks will be given at the winter school, with five minutes of discussion, each.


Registration is open. Registration will close when the School is full (maximum of 100 participants), or on November 30th at 23:59, the latest. Please indicate in the registration form if you want to present a poster at the winter school, and/or if you wish to be considered for a contributed talk.

The School is free of charge for academic staff at any level: students, postdocs, as well professors are all welcome to attend the school.

The school is an in-person event, only. There will be no possibility for remote participation.

Please note that we are unable to sponsor visas or provide invitation letters for the participants.


If you are able to submit the form, the registration form should tell you to go ahead with your travel bookings.


The School will commence on Monday, 9 December at 9:00 AM. Be on time!

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
09:00 Welcome
09:15 Ryde 1 Sierka 2 Wesolowski 2 Jacob 2
10:00 Ryde 2 Sierka 3 Wesolowski 3 Jacob 3
10:45 Break Break Break Break
11:00 Haapanen 1 Raucci 1 Pernal 3 Raucci 3
11:45 Lunch Lunch Free afternoon Closing
13:00 Haapanen 2 Raucci 2
13:45 Pernal 1 Contributed 1&2
14:30 Break Break
14:45 Pernal 2 Ryde 3
15:30 Sierka 1 Jacob 1
16:15 Wesolowski 1 Posters
17:00 Posters Posters


The poster session will take place on Monday afternoon (4 pm to 6 pm), they can be up until Wednesday afternoon

The Abstract Book with the poster abstracts received so far.

Department of Chemistry
P.O. Box 55 (A.I. Virtasen aukio 1)
FI-00014 University of Helsinki

Lecture notes

The lecture notes are found in this folder.


Students who wish to have credits for the course, should write an essay on one of the School topics, and return it before 1 Feb 2025. Send a PDF of your essay to The length of the essay is about 3 A4 pages when pictures are not counted. The course is valued at 3 ECTS.

The essay topics are:

  1. Frozen-density embedding and subsystem DFT
  2. Machine learning-based interatomic potentials
  3. QM/MM studies of embedded molecules
  4. Ab initio embedding in Kohn-Sham and/or ab initio environments
  5. DFT for periodic and embedded systems using Gaussian-type basis functions
  6. Advantages and disadvantages of using charge density as the only descriptor for some parts of the whole system in multi-level/scale simulations
  7. Molecular dynamics simulations of embedded sytems
  8. Water models and the liquid phase of water
  9. Modeling the dynamics of biomolecules
  10. Studying electronic excited states of embedded molecules
  11. Treating electron correlation as electron-pair embedding
  12. Title of your own choice (which is related to the theme


Participants should make their own accommodation arrangements.


General questions concerning the School can be addressed to or members of the organising committee.

Practical notes

Some things to consider.

Eat and drink

Lunch is available in various student canteens

For the evenings, we have collected a list of places suitable for slightly larger groups. The ones in italics are also good for just a drink or three. There's also a more complete restaurant map. The organizers recommend

Other things of interest

Helsinki might be cold, but is not dead in November and December. Check out the #myhelsinki pages.