The research activities of the TACC group comprise:
Computational studies
of magnetically induced current densities and analysis of molecular magnetic
properties including molecular aromaticity.
Computational spectroscopy studies including vibrational
bands in electronic absorption and emission spectra.
Calculations of rate constants for
non-radiative electronic transition and quantum yields
of emitters of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDS).
Developing algorithms for numerical electronic structure calculations.
Selected recent papers
1. R. R. Valiev, G. V. Baryshnikov, R. T. Nasibullin, D. Sundholm, H.
Ågren, ''When are antiaromatic molecules paramagnetic?'', J. Phys. Chem.
C 124 (2020) 21027-21035. DOI:10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c01559
2. R. R. Valiev, G. V. Baryshnikov, D. Sundholm, H. Ågren, B. F. Minaev,
T. Kurtén, ''First-principles calculations of anharmonic and
deuteration effects on photophysical properties of polyacenes and
porphyrinoids'', Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 22 (2020), 22314-22323.
DOI:10.1039/D0CP03231J (2020 PCCP HOT Articles)
3. C. A. Celaya, M. Orozco-Ic, M. Dimitrova, L. N. Wirz, D. Sundholm, ''A
method for designing a novel class of gold-containing molecules'', Chem.
Commun. 56 (2020) 5433-5436. DOI:10.1039/D0CC01227K
4. I. Benkyi, O. Staszewska-Krajewska, D. T. Gryko, M. Jaszuński, A.
Stanger, D. Sundholm, ''The interplay of aromaticity and antiaromaticity in
N-doped nanographenes'', J. Phys. Chem. A 124, (2020) 695-703. DOI:
5. J. Greiner, D. Sundholm, ''Calculation of Vibrationally Resolved Absorption
and Fluorescence Spectra of the Rylenes'', Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22 (2020)
2379-2385. DOI: 10.1039/C9CP06089H
6. Y. Shao, Y. Mei, D. Sundholm, V. R. I. Kaila, ''Benchmarking the
performance of time-dependent density functional theory methods on
biochromophores'', J. Chem. Theory Comput. 16 (2020) 587-600. DOI:
7. G. Baryshnikov, R. R. Valiev, A. Kuklin, D. Sundholm, H. Ågren,
''Cyclo[18]Carbon: Insight into Electronic Structure, Aromaticity and Surface
Coupling'', J. Phys. Chem. Letters 10 (2019) 6701-6705. DOI:
8. K. Reiter, F. Weigend, L. N. Wirz, M. Dimitrova, D. Sundholm,
''Magnetically Induced Current Densities in Toroidal Carbon Nanotubes'', J.
Phys. Chem. C 123 (2019) 15354-15365. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b03769
9. S. Lehtola, M. Dimitrova, D. Sundholm, ''Fully numerical electronic
structure calculations on diatomic molecules in weak and strong magnetic
fields'', Mol. Phys. 114 (2020) e1597989. DOI:10.1080/00268976.2019.1597989
10. C. M. Suomivuori, H. Fliegl, E. B. Starikov, T. S. Balaban, V. R. I.
Kaila, D. Sundholm, ''Absorption Shifts of Diastereotopically Ligated
Chlorophyll Dimers of Photosystem I'', Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21 (2019)
6851-6858. DOI: 10.1039/C9CP00616H (Hot PCCP paper 2019)